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No Preemption
News Summary
Illinois begins breathing a bit easier
Publication Date: 2008-01-01
- Author:Harold Wimmer, President, CEO, American Lung Association of Illinois and Greater Chicago
- Publication:Chicago Tribune
There's been much debate -- and, frankly, a lot of smokescreens -- about this new law. When it voiced its support for a smokefree Illinois in April, the Tribune's editorial board saw clearly that this law was about protecting public health: "That's why a statewide smoke-free law is so appealing: There's no difference across city or county borders, so business owners need not fret. This proposal, similar to laws in 18 states, is driven by studies that show, as the U.S. surgeon general said, there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke."
When public health is at stake, there's no debate...
And for smokers who need help quitting, they can call the Illinois Tobacco Quit Line at 1-866-784-8937