State Status
No Preemption
Pending Legislation
Action Alert
Help strengthen CA's smokefree workplace law!
Publication Date: 2007-09-08
Please urge Governor Schwarzenegger to strengthen our smokefree workplace law!
On Friday, September 7, the legislature sent AB 1467 to Governor Schwarzenegger for approval. This bill would close some of the loopholes that allow smoking in workplaces that were overlooked when California enacted its smokefree law in 1993.
It is long overdue that everyone in California is able to breathe smokefree air in the workplace. The bill removes exemptions that permit smoking in owner-operated bars, workplaces with fewer than five employees, warehouses, employee break-rooms, hotel lobbies, and meeting and banquet rooms in hotels. Additionally, the bill strengthens the definition of a "tobacco shop," which will aid enforcement and help limit non-tobacco shop businesses that use this exemption as a means to allow smoking.
Today, as numerous California communities are expanding local smokefree protections for their residents and employees, it is very important for the state to strenghten its law to provide workplace protection in places which many of us take for granted as already being smokefree.
Please take a moment to contact Governor Schwarzenegger and ask that he sign AB 1467 to give more employees the right to breathe smokefree air in the workplace. You can call the Governor's Office at 916-445-2841 or use this online form to send him an email.