State Status
No Preemption
Pending Legislation
News Summary
Bill makes smoking ban less hazy
Publication Date: 2006-03-30
- Author:Michael Gardner
- Publication:Torrance (CA) Daily Breeze
Oropeza's measure would clarify existing law to ensure lighting up is prohibited in areas such as elevators and parking garages.
Smokers eager to light up after being barred at the office or shopping mall may have to wait just a little longer to grab a few puffs on the way to their car.
Backed by public health advocates, Assemblywoman Jenny Oropeza is carrying legislation to clarify that California's historic anti-smoking law extends to elevators, stairwells and other enclosed spaces in parking garages.
The Assembly Labor Committee approved the measure 5-2 Wednesday. Republicans cast both no votes on the legislation, AB 2067. . . .
Oropeza said she introduced the legislation to clarify state law banning smoking from the workplace, restaurants and other enclosed spaces. She discovered that elevators, stairwells, restrooms and other common areas in parking garages may not be covered by existing law.