State Status
No Preemption
Legislative Summary
SB207-(restaurants & bars)-An Act concerning the Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act-Defeated
This bill was amended in the House to restore many of the original bill provisions. Smoking is prohibited in places of employment with more than 4 employees, including restaurants, bars, bowling alleys, pool halls, common areas of multi-unit dwellings, and public and nonpublic schools.
Preemptive Action
Anti-Preemptive Clause
EXEMPTIONS: Workplaces with three or fewer employees; private homes/vehicles except when used as child care facilities/transport; limousines under private hire; 25% of hotel/motel rooms; retail tobacco stores; tobacco bars; airport smoking concessions; a patient room of hospice care facilities; gaming establishments including bingo; outdoor areas of employment; and private rooms in retirement/nursing home facilities.