State Status
No Preemption
Legislative Summary
HB90 - (workplaces, restaurants, bars, gaming facilities) - An Act prohibiting smoking in public places and places of employment - Taken from the Regular Orders of the Day and recommitted to Judiciary - Session Adjourned
This bill prohibits smoking and the use of e-cigarettes in enclosed workplaces and public places, including restaurants, bars, gaming facilities, private clubs, and hotels/motels, and within 15’ of entrances/windows of smokefree buildings. A floor amendment was introduced on 2/8 to eliminate the inclusion of e-cigarettes. An amendment was introduced to include an exemption for certain types of laboratories.
Preemptive Action
Anti-Preemptive Clause
EXEMPTIONS: Smoking is allowed in private residences, unless used as for-hire child care facility, adult day care facility, or health care facility.