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Business Booms At Smoke Free Restaurant
Publication Date: 2010-04-25
- Author:Cherlene Richards
- Publication:KELOLAND TV
South Dakota voters will decide the fate of a state-wide smoking ban this November. But until then, many restaurants in KELOLAND have started to clear out the smoke and ash trays from their buildings anyway. One business owner who was against the smoking ban made a drastic change nearly three months ago, and he's seeing a positive response.
"You just couldn't avoid the smoke, you know, Doris Landeen said.
Even regulars at the Brandon Steakhouse, notice a difference; 32 years of smoke has cleared out.
"I love the idea, you can tell when you walk in today, it don't smell like it used to," Landeen said.
"You can tell the difference when you do come in, Catherine Kramer said.